makeO toothsi clear aligners

An overbite is a common dental misalignment that affects the upper teeth. It occurs when the upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth, resulting in an increase of vertical overlap. An overbite can be caused by genetics, poor oral habits, and even thumb-sucking during childhood. While an overbite may not seem serious at first glance, it can lead to several dental issues if left untreated. Let’s dive into what an overbite is and why it needs to be treated.

What are the Symptoms of an Overbite?

The most obvious symptom of an overbite is its visible presence in your smile. Additionally, certain signs may indicate you have an overbite such as difficulty biting or chewing food, pain or discomfort when closing your jaw, headaches or neck pain due to improper jaw alignment, and jaw shifting or popping when opening or closing your mouth.

Why Should I Treat My Overbite?

An untreated overbite can cause long-term damage to your teeth and jaws. This includes tooth decay due to overcrowding of the teeth and difficulty cleaning around them; compromised gum health; TMJ disorder; speech impediments; tooth loss; impacted wisdom teeth; jaw pain or muscle spasms from imbalanced bite forces; and even excessive wear on certain areas of the mouth from the uneven distribution of bite forces across the mouth.

Accordingly, it is important to treat an overbite early on before any long-term damage can occur. Treatment options for an overbite may include orthodontic treatments (such as braces), dental restorations (such as crowns), surgical procedures such as maxillofacial surgery, or simply improving oral hygiene habits depending on how severe the misalignment is. In short, treatment typically involves correcting the alignment between the upper and lower jaws so that they fit together properly and evenly distribute bite forces across all areas of your mouth. 

How to fix an overbite with makeO toothsi aligners

With makeO toothsi, you can now fix your overbite from the comforts of your home with our clear aligners. You can book a 3d scan and get orthodontist consultation right from your home. Once the issue has been diagnosed, the clear aligners pertaining to your idental issue will be delivered to your doorstep. You can start wearing the makeO toothsi invisible aligners for atleat 22 hours a day. The orthodontist will keep a virtual track of the progress of your treatment. Once the bite is fixed and since the teeth have moved you will then have to wear retainers. When you stop wearing the aligners there are chance that your teeth might start moving  back to their original position. Hence wearing retainers is important. Trust makeO toothsi to fix your overbite issue with minimal discomfort and affordable rates too. 

Overbites are a common dental misalignment that should not be ignored if left untreated they can lead to multiple long-term problems with your teeth and jaws such as tooth decay, compromised gum health, TMJ disorder, speech impediments and more! If you think you may have an overbite it’s important to consult with a dentist right away so they can start building a plan for treatment before any further damage occurs! With proper treatment from a dentist or orthodontist you’ll be able to restore proper function and aesthetics back into your smile!

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