Steam On Tesla Gaming Demo May Happen In The Near Future

Modern cars, whether powered by gasoline or electricity, are very advanced. Many of them have computers that can compete with smartphones, especially when coming to processing and graphics related to AI. Although mainly used for functions such as automatic environmental control, driver assistance, and navigation, some computers in this vehicle are actually strong enough to play games. Do you have to, of course, is a completely different problem, but the ability of modern cars is definitely worthy of being wet. Elon Musk clearly sounded enthusiastic about this new opportunity for Tesla cars and revealed that the promised steam integration demonstration might really be on the way next month.

Tesla EV has brought several default games that you can play directly on the car dashboard. Tesla Arcade has existed for more than a year now and offers ports of several popular but simpler games like Cuplead” and “Sonic The Hedgehog.” But in reality, the head units for Tesla S and X are equipped with stronger silicon, especially GPU AMD Ryzen CPU and RDNA2, and can actually be used to play Cyberunk 2077.”

Earlier this year, Musk tempted that the cars could immediately boast of integration with Steam, one of the largest PC game platforms available. The idea is clearly not made up, and it seems we finally almost see that happening. In his latest tweet, Tesla CEO said that this steam integration demo could be available in early August 2022, showing that the work was carried out.

Some criticisms are worried about security
Steam integration with the Tesla S and Tesla X model can be a game-Changer, even what is intended. This will display not only the raw strength of a car computer but also the influence of Tesla in the automotive and entertainment industry. If it becomes an exclusive feature even for only a few years, it will be a significant distinguishing factor that will place Tesla further in front of other EVs.

But just because you can do something that doesn’t always mean you have to, and there are already worries and doubts about using EV to play games. There are security problems, of course, even if it’s not a driver who plays games. Opportunities for disturbances are too high, and regulator agents are still unsure of how to continue. Tesla will naturally place protection in places to ensure the safety of passengers and drivers, but people are known to abuse and abuse these features regardless of danger.

There may also be a problem of stability, considering how the game is not always the most reliable software in the computing industry. There may be fears that crashing games can have a bad effect on the entire operating system, which in turn can cause accidents. That said, playing games in a driver without driver, without a driver is one of the scenarios painted by futuris and visionary. As usual, Tesla and Musk are people who are brave enough to take the first step ahead, even if it finally ruffles the feathers of many people.

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